Sunday, 1 February 2015

January 20th

Tuesday 20th January. Today is the big day. But if I thought it was going to be all good and happy, I have another think coming.
Halfway through the morning the tilt tray truck with the full container finally arrives.
But there is no sign of the men who are supposed to be doing the actual unloading. We wait another almost 3 hours before they deign to arrive. By now it is just about lunch time. 
The clear sky is starting to get darker as heavy clouds move in. There is rain forecast for later in the day!
The container finally gets put down and the blokes start to unload everything, stacking it all out in the open. One of the first things that comes out is my very expensive, very large printer, unprotected and covered in dust. I am absolutely horrified and tell the men to put it straight in the house - given the possible showers of rain.

I am not having a very good time in all this as I see things flimsily packed and stacked and all coming out higgledy piggledy. 
There are quite a few teary moments for me when I see precious things handled with so little respect. There are also things missing. I have been told that there was still stuff in storage in Coonabarabran that they couldn't fit into this container, but nobody actually ever told me exactly what. It is still a complete mystery.
I have to be on my toes all afternoon, checking boxes to decide what should come inside directly.
When the container is empty, the truck picks it up and takes it away, then moves my container from the other side of the house to the spot which has just been vacated.
The truck driver has been waiting all this time to take the empty container back. His boss has been on the phone several times, telling him about another job he should do at four o'clock. Well it is just about that time when he can finally make tracks.

The job is nowhere near finished for me, of course, as I now have to decide what goes to the back of the container. Thinking that taking some pieces of furniture directly into the house would leave lots of space in the container for me to move around in was definitely wishful thinking. It looks nearly as full as when it arrived.

It is almost seven o'clock when all is done and the men leave.
It is just starting to rain now! That was very considerate of the weather gods.

The house is now crammed full and I actually have to move several boxes to make a path to the bedroom door where my poor pussies have been hiding and keeping safe all day.
I am absolutely dead on my feet and totally overwhelmed, but I still can't help peeping into some of the boxes late at night and unpacking the odd little treasure.
But more of that later.
This little find - it fluttered out almost as soon as the container was opened - really made me smile. A little reminder of happy times.

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