Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Day of exercise

Went to the gym for Zumba as well as Fitball today, then did some quick shopping before picking up Cameo from Club K9.

It seems he too had a big day of exercising:-)

He just livened up briefly when dinner was served.

God love him!

Monday, 8 October 2012


Last week on my little farm I spotted these spring flowers where once upon a time a cottage must have stood

Friday was the day of the auction of the farm in NSW, but nothing came of it.

To cheer myself up, I visited the Spring Festival at the Royal Hobart Botanic Garden on Sunday. Lots of Rhododendrons and Azaleas were in flower, as well as lots of other things, of course.

Things to think about for the garden now that the weather is agreeable enough to work in it.